…and I’m back. Spent the last two weeks in the wilds of Wisconsin, where I made my maiden kayaking voyage down (andoften in) the KnickKnick River, and then wandering the high deserts of Oregon to view the total eclipse. Both spectacular experiences, but you know what? There’s no place like home. I missed you guys! I couldn’t help but notice …
By 2024 I Might Be Ready
As the total eclipse was happening this week, folks gathered at the Lansdowne Landing with their safety glasses and their pinhole projectors. I saw social media announcements of eclipse party menus, music playlists, and a co-worker (you know which one because there are only two of us) came in spouting some eclipse jokes. In true li’l ol’ me fashion, I …
Melon-choly Babies
If August is summer is at its perfect peak, the Lansdowne Farmers Market is the pinnacle. After a decade, the LFM has become such a staple of life here in our community that we can call it “the market” and everyone knows whereof… More than a place to stock up on locally grown seasonals…it’s the place where we’re sure to …
Cocktails are in Order
It’s only August and we are being bombarded with back-to-school commercials, which invariably means the need for some sort of cocktail. Whether you are celebrating your children’s return to school or, like me, nostalgic about my chickadees that flew the nest, you’re sure to enjoy this recipe for a mojito that can be made with a few ingredients that can …
How Can It Be August?
It was just June, wasn’t it? I had all these plans, and all the time in the world to get to them, right? I mean, it’s just past July 4, isn’t it? Plenty of easy living ahead…I’m sure I penciled some in on my cal…Hey! Who flipped the page to AUGUST??? And why is it that when I still need …