Impossible though it might seem, we are now at the last market for June, 2018. And all of a sudden, BOOM! It’s the 4th of July. Can the Back to School ads be far behind? Didn’t we just get here? Well, yes, we did; and despite our tendency to see the bottom of the glass, we’ve still got a lot …
What’s Cookin’ at the Market?
June is bustin’ out all over (points for catching the musical reference) and pouring itself all over the produce tables…Green Zebra, Fruitwood Farms and our newest additions, Herrcastle Farms and Potato Homestead. The heat has been turned up several notches, which means that some things are going away, and some are comin’ in hot! Don’t forget to check your PA …
Just Because It’s June
“What is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.” Amen to that, James Russell Lowell! And last Saturday’s LFM was its own kind of poetry…sun, music and food, glorious food! Once again, the threat of rain was only that…all bark, no bite. Making the rounds of the produce aisle…among the wealth of spring beauties, …
We Ain’t Afraid of No Rain
Weather forecast be darned (we’re family-friendly here at the LFM), the crew and the crowd showed up and the rain didn’t. So Lansdowne Farmers Market found its groove with the rock ’n roll sounds of Slim Jim, Big Guy and Robert. The joint was jumpin’! Even Green Zebra’s Mitch jumped on the mic for a hot lick. That’s how we …
Philadelphia Inquirer Feature
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