Have you noticed it? The new vibe on the Avenue? An uptick in the energy? What’s going on with that? Well….I’m glad you asked, because there’s plenty happening here in our little hamlet.
What can I say about our Lansdowne Farmers Market that I haven’t already said? Sure, it’s where you come to stock up on good eats, good music and good conversation. And OK, sure, people-watching is a thing, too. Admit it.
But if you’ve been an LFM regular for any length of time, if you’ve recommended it to your friends (and thanks for that!), then you already know the role it plays in spreading the word about this town as a good place to put down some roots. And guess what…those roots are spreading in some amazing directions! Just take a look at what happened in the space of one weekend:…well, I wanted to spell it all out for you, but I only have so much space, so I’m just gonna send you herefor the whole megillah. Seriously…you need to read this. Go on….I’ll wait.
Amazing, right??? And that’s just one weekend! BTW: The Jazz Jam is taking place 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. every Sunday in October, weather permitting. Set your watches and your calendars. And wear your boogie shoes, cause sitting still isn’t an option.
Meanwhile, back at the Market…Who let the dawgs out? Another Dog Parade is in the books. This event just keeps getting bigger and bigger…and we don’t just mean the number of contestants. A Biggest in Show shoo-in, the giant family-sized Bernese Mountain dog was inched out, literally, by an American Mastiff, who, rumor has it, tipped the scales at 200 lbs. Sized from awe to awwww (for the bite-sized yorkies), they vogued for the judges, who judged them all winners. “They’re good dogs, Brent.” (Grace Caputo made me say that!)
Thanks to our pooch paparazza, you can see all the pooch pix here….
So, what’s next? Remember we still have three more October markets plus our pre-Thanksgiving extravaganza before we fold up our tents. Of course, apples are the star of the show, but we still need to eat our veggies…and there’s still time to take advantage of fresh-from-the-farm things like winter squashes, some lettuces, and don’t forget those root veggies. Speaking of which….
Let’s talk turnips. Raise your hand if you think you hate them. Then use your other hand to smack your forehead! Because you’re missing out. Grandma knew it. She tried to tell you…they’ll give you strong bones, they’ll keep you from catching cold…stuff like that. Too bad she didn’t have Google to back her up…But I do, so click here! Yep…can’t miss a chance to nerd it up. Learn to love the lowly turnip…it will love you right back. Try it raw for a totally different taste…peppery and crunchy. You’re welcome!
For the carnivores among us, Freeland Market will be back here this week with some sausages that would love to partner up with those squash, cabbages, or maybe sauerkraut, all tossed into buttered noodles. Oh yeah! And Neshaminy Brewing might just have a little sump’n sump’n to go with!
That’s good eats, my friends!
In the music tent this week: Norm LeDonne and Robert Morris
Artist of the week: William’s World (William Brewer): William is an artist with autism who creates art based on the unique way in which he sees the world and sells it to live an independent life. He works in a variety of mediums, including painting, jewelry, sculpture, and sewing. Many of the materials he uses are donated, making his up-cycled art environmentally friendly.
This is a week 1 Market. As always, you can find all of the vendors scheduled for the week on our website or FaceBookpage.
Some notes:
Our next and final Community Day will be Oct. 28th. Check at the manager’s tent for applications, or go here and click on 3rd Community Day.
Don’t forget to keep checking what’s happening next at the Landing.
Take advantage of the perfect weather to do the Inside Out poetry walking tour. Maybe this Sunday at 2:00?
VOTE!!! Oct. 10 is the last day to register to vote in the November election. Please exercise this very important right, every election. Click here to REGISTER NOW.
See you there, and here, and everywhere!
-Terry Baraldi, Living here and loving it